Sciatica Sufferers Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Sciatica And Chiropractic TreatmentAre you experiencing pain along one side of your body from your lower back down through your hip and the back of your leg? If so, you could be suffering from a condition called sciatica. This condition shares some similarities with piriformis syndrome, which we discussed on Monday, but has some unique elements as well.

The ailment gets its name from the sciatic nerve, the longest and widest nerve in the body which runs from the lower spine down to the feet. According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica can best be described as “most commonly occurring when a herniated disk or a bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg. A variety of issues weigh in on an individual’s likelihood of ending up with this painful malady, most of which stem from increased pressure on the spine.

The Sources of Sciatica

Obesity: carrying too much weight is instrumental in bringing on a number of health related issues. Extra pounds overload the spine, causing damage that results in sciatica.

Improper lifting: Individuals who frequently twist the bodies and lift heavy loads are more likely to suffer from sciatica. Certain jobs that require these movements are a key cause of the condition.

Sedentary lifestyle. A person’s job does not have to involve lifting to be responsible for this condition. Sitting for extended periods without stretching or standing puts excess pressure on the spine and can cause sciatica. Even spending too many hours commuting by car regularly can cause problems.

Too many birthdays. Getting older can affect all of our body’s joints and bones in a negative manner, especially if we never committed to an exercise routine. An individual’s back often deteriorates with age, causing bone spurs and herniated disks.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for sciatica are varied, and the choice depends on the severity of the condition.

Chiropractic care. Chiropractors understand all things spine-related, and work with the body as a whole to help it heal itself. Chiropractic treatment for sciatica works to align the spine and reduce the stress to the lower back. Treatment helps alleviate the underlying causes of the condition, and shows positive results in a short amount of time.

Acupuncture. Alternative therapies like acupuncture have shown positive results in the treatment of sciatica. If a drug-free treatment option appeals to you, find an experienced acupuncturist in your area and talk to them about treatment options.

Pain medication: A common and easy way to treat sciatica is with drug therapy. Anti-inflammatory drugs are frequently used to reduce the inflammation around the nerve, which is a big contributor of the pain. Over-the-counter pain medicines, as well as codeine, may also help with pain management.

Strengthening exercises. A consistent exercise program strengthens your muscles and helps the body function effectively. Ask your doctor which exercises assist the body with bouncing back from sciatica.

Supplements. Supplying the body with vital vitamins and minerals assists in overall health in general and nerve health more specifically, including improvement from sciatica. Daily doses of supplements such as calcium, magnesium, St. John’s Wort, and Vitamin B12 have shown to treat the problem effectively.

Cortisone injections. Most of the time, sciatica can be treated by the less impactful measures mentioned above. However, severe bouts of sciatica may require a shot of cortisone steroid directly into the inflamed area. Individuals generally choose this option when other treatments have garnered no relief, as the side effects from cortisone injections can be quite problematic.

Dealing with sciatica is painful and irritating, as the condition often sidelines the sufferer from daily activities. By knowing the treatment options that are effective in combating both the underlying causes and the pain of sciatica, sufferers can begin a regimen that will help them get back on their feet, pain-free in the shortest period of time possible. At Surrey Family Chiropractic & Massage we are committed to helping you get abck to work and play faster through a variety of treatment options. If you or a loved one are trying to deal with sciatica, give us a call today to set up a consultation!